VYFORM2 Military Aircraft Form1 ButtonExit E&xit PicBox BrowseBox BrowseBox_Change FirstTime BrowseBox_KeyDown- KeyCode Shift RecNum vxCtlBrowseMsg6 vxCtlHwnd BrowseBox VXB_GETCURRENTREC vxbtut0 StatBar Text ButtonAdd_ClickN ButtonDelete_Click Command1_Click ButtonExit_Click% BrowseBox_KeyPress KeyAscii ButtonEdit_Clicks VYFORM2< Form_LoadD BrowseRunningU OpenFileE Enabled ExitMenu PackFile ButtonAgaing vxSelectDbf DbfArea vxSelectNtxU NtxArea1 NtxArea vxBrowseArray vxTableDeclareq VX_RED vxTableField VX_EXPR VX_FIELD vxBrowseCase VX_UPPER vxBrowseSetup VX_SEMIBOLD MousePointer) AirPicsDbf vxUseDbf vxToph vxIsPictureS ftitle vxFieldTrim fname magic vxPictureImport vxClose Form_Paint vxFormFrame vxbtut1 vxCtlStyle VX_RECESS MemoBox vxCtlBrowse PicBox vxPictureRead Picture3 Clipboardd Form_Resize Form_Unload Cancel8 VXB_CLOSE vxCloseAll vxWindowDereg Caption PicBox_Click PicBox_Resize vxBottom vxAppendBlank static switch set to TRUE in form load procedure so we know when this form is first loaded BrowseBox_KeyDown whenever a record is highlighted, this, proc receives a middle button codet from the ctlBrowse so we can dynamically display the picture in the memo field middle button?u Title If you wish to use a static size window (i.e., autoresize=FALSE), use the method below to display the bitmap and deleted the memo window and field references from the call to vxCtlBrowse If vxPictureRead(VYFORM2.hWnd, "pic") Theno ' the "8" param below is CF_DIB PicBox.Picture = Clipboard.GetData(8) ' If you want to leave the picture in ' the clipboard, comment out line below Clipboard.Clear Elseb If Not vxIsPicture() Then PicBox.Picture = LoadPicture()) End If. End If. BrowseBox_KeyPress NOTE: YOU MUST ALWAYS TRAP THE ENTER KEY AND CHANGE THE KEYASCII CODE TO A ZERO WHEN USING VXCTLBROWSE EVEN IF YOU DON'T USE ITR if ESC key is received, then emulate- exit button press ButtonExit_Click Form_Load set FirstTime switch on for Paint register the default database as the master \vb\vxbtest\airpics.dbf first time load pictures, the name of the bmp picture file is the same as the string in field "title" so- we can import the bmps into the memo file by cocatenating ".bmp" to the trimmed field ) contentse c:\magic\bmp\ Import Failed \vb\vxbtest\airpics.dbf set up the browse If the typeface is too large on your display, CHANGE the parameter following "Helv" above to a smaller numbere change the mouse pointer in the browse box- from an I-Beam to an arrow to stop any flicker Form_Paint register the database with this window make the form 3-d initiate the browse the first time only on initial paint of the browse, middle button keydown is not sent to browse box so we wantn to do our dynamic display here as well as from a keydown in the browse box code Form_Resize Form_Unload close the browse close all the files deregister the window and release memoryd